Top 5 Hardest Programming Languages to Learn In 2023

Technology is always evolving. This is not limited to the physical devices we use on a daily basis. The programming languages that power these devices change just as fast as the devices they power. 

Whether it is a programming language that is new or one that is gaining in popularity, there are some languages that are much harder to learn than others. 

This blog will take a look at the top 5 hardest programming languages to learn in 2023.

What are Programming Languages?

In simple words, programming languages are the instructions that are used for telling the computer about tasks and instructions. Programmers use these instructions for creating software and applications. 

Programming languages are the most popular and widely used languages in the world because of their speed and efficiency. Other than this, language supports human communication and is easily understood by human beings.

In fact that the programming language has a standard structure makes it easier and better to understand.

Programming languages can be used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine, to express algorithms precisely, or as a mode of human communication. 

Many programming languages have some form of written specification of their syntax (form) and semantics (meaning).

Why Programming Languages to Learn?

When you are just starting to learn to programming language, there are a lot of languages to choose from. Some are easier to learn than others, while some are more popular as they are used in software development, and there are also some that are more efficient or faster to use than others. 

The best way to start is to see a list of popular and easy-to-learn programming languages. Then take a look at their features to see which one is the best for your learning curve, and then find the easiest one to learn and start there.

Also Read: Programming Languages for Cyber Security

5 Hardest Programming Languages to Learn

Here is a list of the hardest programming languages to learn:

1. C++

C++ is widely considered one of the most powerful, fastest, and hardest programming languages to learn.

However, this language is even more difficult to learn than C. It was created in 1983 and has given programming students nightmares ever since. 

C++ is a descriptive, object-oriented programming language. This language was designed to cause fewer changes in low-level memory. 

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C++ was most commonly used in the creation of e-commerce systems, online searches, and SQL servers. It can be used for a variety of purposes while still executing the same efficient and robust programs.

Additionally, it is used by programmers when it is necessary to create systems that are reliable, efficient, and high-performing.

Reasons: Why C++ is the Hardest Programming Language?

C++ is difficult to learn because:

  • It has a complicated syntax to allow for versatility.
  • It is best learned by someone with past knowledge of C programming.
  • C++ is a permissive language—you can do anything technically possible, even if it is not logically correct.

Tips to Make C++ Programming Easy

  • Learn the basic syntax of C++.
  • Use a debugger, which is a tool that allows programmers to see what is going on “under the covers”, as it were.
  • Trace the values of variables through a program to make sure it is doing what you intend it to. 
  • Use resources to figure out how to do what you have in mind. 
  • Read lots of C++ code.

2. Prolog

Prolog was one of the first logic programming languages, and it is now being used in artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

Prolog is a logic-based, extremely cost-effective programming language that helps businesses cut maintenance and development costs. Because your program’s basic logic must be flawless.

However, Prolog is one of the hardest programming languages to learn.

Reasons: Why is Prolog the Hardest Programming Language?

This programming language is the hardest to learn because:

  • It is an unusual language, with data structures that differ from those of other programming languages.
  • It forces the programmer to think carefully about their logic from the start.
  • Prolog usually requires a capable compiler.
  • Without thought, online resources and Prolog code cannot be applied to your needs.

Tips to Make Prolog Programming Easy

  • Read through the manual first. It will give you a better understanding of the syntax.
  • Take your time when reading through the language. Don’t rush to reach the end.
  • One of the most important features of Prolog is pattern matching. It is crucial to learn how to use it effectively.
  • If you’re having trouble with a certain concept, try reading about it in the forums.
  • Don’t give up! Prolog is a difficult language, but once you understand it, it becomes much easier to use.


LISP is one of oldest and hardest programming languages to learn after FORTRAN. It is still used in high-level systems and artificial intelligence.

It was developed by John McCarthy, a forefather of artificial intelligence as we know it today.

LISP is known as a “programmable programming language,” which reflects its primary advantage over other programming languages.

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It was designed as a practical mathematical notation for programs, and it has been a popular choice among AI developers.

Reasons: Why is LISP the Hardest Programming Language?

These are some of the reasons why LISP programming is hard.

  • It’s a factionalized language with domain-specific solutions.
  • LISP’s syntax highly depends on parentheses, which can be difficult to get used to. 
  • It complies with the functional programming paradigm.

Tips to Make LISP Programming Easy

  • Start with macros. Macros are pre-written functions that save time when you are coding.
  • Use proper coding techniques. Good coding techniques, such as indenting and writing self-documenting code will make your code easier to read.
  • Try writing your own functions. The more functions you write and the more code you understand, the easier LISP will become. 
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more you code in LISP, the better and easier it will become. 
  • Don’t give up. The more you program and apply what you learn, the better you will become at it.

4. Haskell

The language is named after a mathematician and is widely considered one of the hardest programming languages to learn. It’s a fully functional language based on lambda calculus. 

Haskell allows for shorter code lines with maximum code reusability, which improves code comprehension. Although it is easier to detect errors in Haskell, fixing them is a time-consuming task.

Reasons: Why is Haskell the Hardest Programming Language?

Haskell  is difficult to learn because:

  • It is hard to understand the nuances of compilation and error correction in Haskell.
  • Haskell complies with a 100% functional paradigm, as compared to most modern languages, which accept imperative commands.
  • It makes extensive use of jargon, which may turn off beginners.

Tips to Make Haskell Programming Easy

  • The best way to learn Haskell is to dive in and start writing some code. 
  • You can use the interpreter that comes with the language to explore the basics of the syntax and get an idea of what Haskell looks like. 
  • If you want to write larger programs, then you should use a text editor with syntax highlighting support for Haskell or install a compiler like Hugs or GHCi so that you can compile your code on the fly as you write it.

5. Malbolge

Malbolge is one of the well-known hardest programming languages to learn, as indicated by the fact that it took no less than two years to complete the first Malbolge code.

The code’s poor readability and confusing nomenclature result in unpredictable behavior.

Malbolge is unpopular in the software industry because it is nearly useless. It can only be used and learned as a challenge and has no real-world application.

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Reasons: Why is Malbolge the Hardest Programming Language?

These are some of the reasons why Malbolge programming is hard.

  • It is a language that self-modifies, resulting in erratic behavior.
  • It utilizes a cryptic notation.
  • Because few programmers devote time to learning it, there are fewer learning resources.

Tips to Make Malbolge Programming Easy

  • Learn the symbols first. Knowing the symbols will help you learn the language faster.
  • Don’t get too frustrated. It sounds simple, but many people don’t take the time to practice.
  • Practice is the key to success. You can’t learn the language by only reading about it.
  • Don’t give up. Programming languages can be difficult at first.
  • Don’t worry about what others are doing. It’s okay to take your time learning Malbolge.

Online Platform Where You Can Learn Programming Languages?

Free Online PlatformPaid Online Platform
LinkedIn Learning (Lynda)
Pluralsight (Code School)Udacity (School of Programming)
Team TreehouseDataquest
One MonthEdx
Stack OverflowGeeksforGeeks
Khan AcademyCodementor

Which programming language to learn in C++, Prolog, LISP, Haskell, and Malbolge?

Programming languages can quickly become overwhelming, especially when you have to make a choice on which one will be most beneficial to you. There’s a wide range of programming languages that are used every day, but some are more popular than others.

Some of the most popular programming languages to learn are C++, Prolog, LISP, Haskell, and Malbolge.

The programming language is one of the most important factors when determining what language would be the best for you. 

If you learn C++, you will be able to program for Microsoft, Apple, and Android platforms. Prolog is a great language for solving problems using logic. LISP is great for building artificial intelligence. Haskell is used in major corporations such as Google. However, Malbolge is great for solving puzzles.


We hope you enjoyed our article about the top 5 hardest programming languages to learn in 2023. With this knowledge, we know that you can make the most of your programming career and/or studies.

If you are thinking about learning a programming language, you might be wondering which is going to be the hardest programming languages to learn. This is a very difficult thing to predict, and it is different for every person. You might think that only the most advanced languages are the most difficult, but even the languages that are being taught to children can be a challenge for you to learn.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to learn programming languages?

Learning to code not only teaches you how to give instructions to machines, but it also teaches you abstract thinking and problem-solving skills. In fact, problem-solving abilities and creativity are essential for success as a computer programmer. To apply your knowledge, you’ll also need to be familiar with some coding languages.

Which is the easiest programming language to learn as a beginner?

There are many easiest programming languages to learn, but most easiest languages are Python, HTML, JavaScript, C, and C# Programming.

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